Monday, July 1, 2019

Casting: Chorus and Etc.

If you've ever done a show with me before, you know how important I believe the chorus is. It's the background players that give a show a rich reality. It's the chorus that's really responsible for letting the audience know ho to feel about what they just saw or heard.

This show requires a small town. We need families, generations, whole  social groups. Outside of River City we have the traveling salesmen of the very first scene, but within River City, we have families and friends. The Pickalittle ladies who pal around with Mayor Shinn's wife. The teens and children who have their own social groups. And of course the teens and children who will become the members of the band. There are many townsfols who are given names (how can you not love Ethel Toffelmeier) but each one is a distinct and colorful character.

We can use singers, dancers, and people to delver a line or two. We can use young and old, men and women, to make this town seem full and real. All ages are welcome for this show.

The men of the chorus have the opening number, which requires rhythm but  not so much singing. The women of the chorus have the "pick-a-little talk-a-little" number. There are  two big dance numbers-- one for mostly the younger crowd and another for any and all who are game. And there are ample opportunities for those who just want to stand and hoot and holler.

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